Amplified Currents Festival of the Arts Full Schedule Spring 2021


Painting: “Firelute” by Susana Aldanondo, featured in Amplified Currents Fall 2020’s Gallery at Massawa


An exploration of improvisation through the lens of jazz and spoken word. Watch as artists collaborate to create a breathtaking, unique, and spontaneous performance, filmed in one take at High Line Nine.



A stunning collaboration bringing dance and music together. Watch four new creations come alive through eight talented and visionary choreographers, paired with music presented by Opus Illuminate, featuring works of living composers.



The Lyra Society, a 501(c)3 non-profit that brings harps, harp lessons, harp presentation, and college and financial aid guidance (regardless of intended major) at no cost to students across Philadelphia, presents a film that shows the impact that the harp has on children’s education. You will meet Lyra’s students and staff who will teach you about the harp, The Lyra Society, and the path to becoming a professional harpist.



Amplified Currents Festival of the Arts | Call Out Culture


Written by Kaela Mei-Shing Garvin

Directed by Lauren Zeftel

In this recorded theatrical work, the Main Character examines her experience as a mixed Chinese American, linking personal anecdotes of race, gender, and assault with global imperialism and colonialism, facilitated by a rotund Brecht fanatic (who happens to be a panda.) They attempt to use theater to get at that which cannot be articulated:

How do global and individual power connect at the site of our bodies?

How can we recover from our invaded past, take responsibility for invasions of our own design, and move toward healing?

Lastly: communism?

Private Workshop Reading